Monday, May 19, 2008


Maybe you other bloggers can feel my pain.

I'm home sick today, and had a nice idea for a post. Lots of time on my hands, not much energy but still felt like working...perfect. I spent all this morning and part of the afternoon on my post. It was about Mars Hill, Paul and the meaning of life. I did lots of fun research on the Aeropagus, the Acropolis, Athens. There were masses of Bible quotes. There was even (almost) a photo to go with it. It was beautiful.

I was within a couple of edits of finishing, when I moved my Bible away from my mouse. The Bible cover swung down and hit a random spot on the keyboard--whap! Then the computer came alive and began loading something. That's always a bad sign. Next thing I know, the screen is congratulating me for posting.

My husband marvels at my ability to do computer hyperspace jumps like that. "How in the world did you get there?" is what he always asks. (It's funny, I do just what he suggests and he can't tell me how I got there.)

I wasn't ready to post, so I went back to delete it and did the stupidest thing I've done for a very long time. I pushed the wrong button and instead of deleting just the post, out went the draft with it. Everything I worked on all day is gone. Irretrievably. All with the touch of a button.

So now I'm venting and hoping to feel better. And trying to get something good out of a really lame decision. I keep telling myself the Lord knew I was going to lose the post, so it's okay. It still doesn't feel okay yet, but that's okay. Maybe He'll show me an appropriate Bible verse.

Here's one that comes to mind:

Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it.
(Psalm 127:1)

Feeling a little better now. I'm off to go watch "The Lone Ranger" with my son.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Oh, I do empathize! I've lost many a post due to computer issues. Urgh!